DNS of 3D Compressible, Homogeneous and Isotropic Turbulence
H. Miura (2005)
Advances in Turbulence (Proceedings of the 10th European Turbulence Conference, Norway, 2004) p.115-119.
H. Miura (2004) J.
Turbulence Vol. 5 (2004) pp.1-22
H. Miura (2002)
Comp. Phys. Comm. Vol.147 (2002) pp.552-555
Images: waves along vortices in a weakly compressible isotropic turbulence
In 1024^3 DNS of weakly compressible turbulence, Kelvein-wave-like waves vortices are found.
Fig1. Enstrophy density isosurfaces.
Fig.2 Low-pressure vortex axes visualized with the enstrophy density isosurfaces.
Fig.3 Vortex axes and isosurfaces of the sound sources (Lighthill's acoustic analogy).
Fig.4 Waves along vortex axes. (a) compressible vortex axis and (b) incompressible vortex axis.
Fig.5 Dispersion relation of the waves on compressible vortex axes.
H. Miura (1996)
Images:a head-on collision of two shock waves
By a shock-shock collision, pairs of strong vortices are generated
behind each curved shocks.
Gray surfraces : shocks (regions with large negative dilatation)
Blue, Orange or Red surfraces : vortices (enstrophy density with
large values)
Black arrows: shocks are traveling in the direction of these
Blue arrows : direction of vorticity
Orange (or Red) arrows : direction of vorticity