- H. Nakamura, Susumu Fujiwara and Tetsuya Sato: "Dynamics of Orientationally Ordered Domains in a Short Chain-molecule System:
- Size Dependence of Domain Oscillation", Computer Physics Communication,Vol. 147 (2002) pp. 346-349.
- Keiji Sawada, H. Nakamura, Hirotomo Kambe, Toshiharu Saiki: "FDTD Analysis of a Near-Field Optical Fiber Probe with Double Tapered Structure",
Trans. Electron., Vol. E85-C (2002) pp. 2055-2058.
- Yuichi Tamura, Akira Kageyama, Tetsuya Sato, Susumu Fujiwara and H. Nakamura;
"Virtual Reality System to Visualize and Auralize Numerical Simulation Data",
Computer Physics Communication, Vol. 142 (2001) pp. 227-230.
- H. Nakamura, Toshiharu Saiki, Hirotomo Kambe and Keiji Sawada: "FDTD
Simulation of Tapered Structure of Near-Field Fiber Probe", Computer
Physics Communication, Vol. 142 (2001) pp. 464-467.
- H. Nakamura, Susumu Fujiwara and Tetsuya Sato: "Dynamical
Process of Coalescence of Domains in a Short Chain-molecule System", Computer
Physics Communication, Vol. 142 (2001) pp. 127-130.
- H. Nakamura, Susumu Fujiwara and Tetsuya Sato; "Rigidity of Orientationally Ordered
Domains of Short Chain Molecules", Journal of Physical Society of Japan,
Vol. 202, No.4 (2001) pp. 943-946.
- Yuichi Tamura, Tetsuya Sato, Akira Kageyama, Susumu Fujiwara and H. Nakamura;
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Reality Society of Japan, Vol. 5 No.3 (2000) pp. 943- 948.
- H. Nakamura, Tetsuya Sato, Hirotomo Kambe, Keiji Sawada and Toshiharu Saiki;
"Design and Optimization of Tapered
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of Microscopy, Vol. 202, Pt.1 (2001) pp. 50-52.
- Tetsuya
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H. Watanabe), "Structural
Transitions in an Open Non-Equilibrium System", Progress of Theoretical
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aperture", Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. (2000) pp. 173-174.
- H. Okumura, Y. Hasegawa, H. Nakamura and S. Yamguchi; "A Computational Model of Thermoelectric and Thermomagnetic Semiconductors", Proc. of XVIII International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT99), Baltimore, MD, USA, August (1999).
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- K. Ikada, H. Nakamura, I. Yonenaga and S. Yamaguchi; "Transport Coefficients
of Ge in Magnetic Fields", Proc. of XVII International Conference on
Thermoelectrics (ICT), Nagoya, Japan, May (1998) pp. 277-279.
- H. Nakamura, K. Ikada and S. Yamaguchi; "Physical Model of Nernst Element",
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Japan, May (1998) pp. 97-100.
- H. Okumura, S. Yamaguchi, H. Nakamura, K. Ikada, and K. Sawada;"Numerical
Computation of Thermoelectric and Thermomagnetic Effects", Proc. of XVII
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pp. 89-92.
- S. Yamaguchi, H. Nakamura; "Heat Exchange with Fuel Gas in Thermoelectric and Nernst Elements", Proc. of XVII International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT), Nagoya, Japan, May (1998) pp. 76-80.
- S. Yamaguchi, H. Nakamura, K. Ikeda, T. Sakurai, I. Yoshida, S. Tanuma,
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- S. Yamaguchi, H. Nakamura, K. Ikeda, T. Sakurai, I. Yoshida, S. Tanuma,
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- K. Ikeda, H. Nakamura and S. Yamaguchi; "Measurement of Transport Properties of Thermoelectric Materials in the
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- H. Nakamura, K. Ikeda and S. Yamaguchi; "Transport Coefficients of InSb in a Strong Magnetic Field", Proc.
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- H. Nakamura, K. Ikeda, S. Yamaguchi and K. Kuroda; "Transport Coefficients of Thermoelectric Semiconductor InSb -- A Candidate
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- M. Takahashi, H. Nakamura and S. Sachdev; "Universal
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- H. Nakamura, N. Hatano and M. Takahashi; "Universal Finite-Size Scaling Function of the Ferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain in a Magnetic Field", Journal of Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 64, No. 6 (1995) pp.1955-1966.
- H. Nakamura and M. Takahashi, "The Free Energy and the Scaling Function of the Ferromagnetic Heisenberg Chain in a Magnetic Field", Journal of Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 63, No. 7 (1994) pp.2563-2571.
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Last Modified on April 12, 2003.