1. Conference impression (in Japanese)

  2. FreeBSD memo (in Japanese)

  3. Important dates
    1. 13th European Turbulence Conference(12 September 2011 - 15 September 2011 ), Abstract deadline 19 December 2010,
    2. 22nd International Conference on Numerical Simulations of Plasmas (September 7 - 9, 2011),

  4. Importtant dates (2002, Old)
    1. CCP2002 Abstract deadline
      May 24, 2002
    2. JSFM annual meeting, proceedings deadline
      June 7, 2002
    3. Sumitomo Foundation Research Grant Application deadline
      June 15, 2002
    4. ETC-9, July 2-5, 2002
      My presentation ... July 3.
      Conference impression (in Japanese)
    5. JSFM annual meeting, July 23-25, 2002
      My presentation ... July 24
    6. CCP2002, August 25-28
      My presentation ... August 27
      Conference impression (in Japanese)
    7. TSFP3, Abstract deadline, September 1, 2002
    8. PSJ autumn meeting, September 6-9,2002 (Kasugai, Aichi)
      My presentation ... September 9
      Informal meeting for fluid mechanics section ... September 9
      Conference impression (in Japanese)
    9. IUTAM Symposium, "Reynolds number scaling in turbulent flow", September 11-13, 2002
      My presentation ... September 13
      Conference impression (in Japanese)
    10. Symposium "Dynamics and statistics of coherent structures in turbulence", proceedings manuscript deadline, September 20, 2002
    11. CFD16, entry deadine, September 27, 2002
    12. 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, October 14-19, 2002
    13. Symposium "Dynamics and statistics of coherent structures in turbulence", October 21-23, 2002
    14. KAKENHI, application deadline in NIFS, October 24, 2002
    15. CFD16, abstract deadline, November 15, 2002
    16. TSFP3, Author notification of acceptance: December 1, 2002
    17. CFD16, December 16-18, 2002

  5. Importtant dates (2003, Old)
    1. Workshop in RIMS: January 15-17, 2003
    2. TSFP3, Submission of camera-ready manuscript: March 15, 2003
    3. PSJ spring meeting, March 28-31, 2003 (Sendai, Miyagi)
    4. TSFP3, June 24-27 2003 (Sendai, Miyagi)
    5. JSFM annual meeting, July 28-30, 2003
    6. PSJ spring meeting, September 20-23, 2003 (Okayama)
    7. ICTAM 2004, registration and the paper submission will start by September 1, 2003.
    8. 14th International Stellarator Workshop, in combination with the
      IAEA technical Meeting on Innovative Concepts and Theory of Stellarators, September 22-26, 2003, Greifswald, Germany
    9. Open_lab 2003(Oct. 14-16 2003)+SSS7(Oct. 16-17 2003)
    10. ETC10, Deadline of abstract submission, October 31st 2003
    11. ITC13, December 9-12, 2003 (Toki, Gifu, Japan)
    12. CFD17, December 17-19, 2003

  6. Importtant dates (2004, Old)
    1. ICTAM2004, Deadline of abstract submission, January 9th 2004
    2. January 28 2004, Memo
    3. Symposium on MHD in LHD, Deadline of application, 31 January
    4. Symposium on MHD in LHD, 17-18 February 2004, NIFS
    5. ETC10, Deadline of four (4) pages manuscript submission, March 15 2004
    6. IUTAM Symposium on Elementary Vortices and Coheret Structures, Dead line of application, March 31, 2004
    7. ICCAM2004, Deadline of abstract for short communications, March 30 2004
    8. ETC10 29 June - 2 July 2004, Trondheim, Norway
    9. ICPP2004, October 25-29, 2004,
      It is "International Congress on Plasma Physics".
      Do not confuse with "International Conference on Parallele Processing".
    10. The Physical Society of Japan 日本物理学会
      秋季大会(青森) 2004年9月12-9月15日
    11. IUTAM Symposium on Elementary Vortices and Coheret Structures, October 26-28, 2004, Kyoto
    12. 20th IAEA Conference on Fusion Energy, November 1-6, Vilamoura, Portugal
      第20回IAEA核融合会議(11月1日ー6日、ヴィラモウラ、ポルトガ ル)
    13. The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nulcear Fusion Researc
      プラズマ・核融合学会 年会(静岡) 2004年11月23日-26日
    14. 第18回数値流体力学シンポジウム,
      国立オリンピック記念青少年センター 2004年12月15日-17日

  7. Important dates (2005,obsolete)
    1. 早稲田大 学第2回21世紀COE自己組織系物理シンポジウム
    2. 理化学研究所 MPI講習会 2004年12月20日
    3. 54th NCTAM 第54回理論応用力学講演会
      日本学術会議, 2005年1月25日-27日
    4. Euromech Colloqia: Vortex and Magnetohydrodynamics, Milano, Italy, April 2005
    5. TSFP-5, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, June 27-29 2005
    6. ICNSP'05, Nara, Japan, July 12-15, 2005
    7. JSFM annual meeting, Sep. 5-7, 2005
    8. Autumn meeting of the Physical Society of Japan, Sep. 19-22, Kyotanabe
    9. 15th International Stellarator Workshop (Oct. 3-7 2005, Madrid, Spain)
    10. KAKENHI deadline: Nov. 17, NIFS deadline: Oct. 21.
    11. JSFM-CFD2005 (Dec. 13-15 2005, Tokyo, Japan)
      Deadline for application : Oct. 7
  8. Important dates(2006, obsolete)
    1. IUTAM Symposium "Computational Physics and New Perspectives in Turbulence" Abstract deadline : Feb. 10, 2006.
    2. THEORY OF FUSION PLASMAS Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop, 28 Aug. - 1 Sep. 2006, Varenna, Italy
    3. IUTAM Symposium "Computational Physics and New Perspectives in Turbulence", 11-14 Sep. 2006, Nagoya, Japan
    4. ETC11, Abstract deadline: Oct. 6, 2006
    5. ETC11, 25-28 June 2007, Porto, Portugal
    6. TSFP-5, 27-29 Aug. 2007, Garching, Germany

  9. Important dates(2007, obsolete)

  10. Important dates(2007, obsolete)

  11. Important dates(2009, obsolete)
  12. 日本物理学会第64回年次大会, 2009年3月27日-30日, 立教大学
  13. 日本流体力学会2009講演申し込み, 2009年5月17日
  14. Fourth IAEA-Technical Meeting on the Theory of Plasma Instabilities , 18-20 May, 2009, Kyoto, Japan
  15. 日本流体力学会2009アブストラクト&講演論文締め切り, 2009年7月17日
  16. 日本流体力学会2009, 2009年9月2日-4日, 東洋大学
  17. 第3回シミュレーション科学シンポジウム", 16-18 Sep. 2009, Toki, Japan
  18. APFA & APPTC , 27-29 Oct. 2009, Aomori, Japan
  19. APS-DPP meeting, 2-6 Nov 2009, Atlanta, USA
  20. 第26回プラズマ・核融合学会年会, 1-4 Dec. 2009, Kyoto, Japan

  • (0ld) Seminar, 2002.
    1. Every Friday morning.
      Reading a textbook by J.H.Ferziger and M.Peric,
      "Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics", 3rd Ed., Springer
    2. Aritcles review, Every Thursday morning
  • (Old) Seminar, 2005.
    1. The Framework of Plasma Physics (Hazeltine and Waelbroeck, Westview)