National Institutes of Natural Science, National Institute for Fusion Science
Department of Helical Plasma Research, Fundamental Physics Simulation Research Division


Front cover of Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research Vol.86 Num.7.

One of figures in a paper(*) by Assistant Professor Hiroki Hasegawa appears in the front cover of Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research Vol.86 Num.7.
Click the figure to see a lager size.

An open system one-dimensional electrostatic particle code with the improved constant current generator model has been developed. Using this code, we have been able to study various phenomena at electron drift velocities larger than the electron thermal velocity (vd≥vTe), where the original model is not applicable. This figure shows the result of a test simulation for (vd=0.7vTe) and indicates that the super ion-acoustic double layer discovered by a previous study with the original model is also created.

Hiroki HASEGAWA and Tetsuya SATO,"Improved Open Boundary Model for Plasma Particle Simulations " Plasma and Fusion Research Vol.5 (2010) 020.
