National Institutes of Natural Science, National Institute for Fusion Science
Department of Helical Plasma Research, Fundamental Physics Simulation Research Division


Front cover of Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research Vol.90 Num.7.

One of sumulatoin results(*) of Mr. Ryosuke Goto et. al. appears in the front cover of Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research Vol.90 Num.7.
Click the figure to see a lager size.

Density contours in 2D extended MHD simulations of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. Contour plots of the mass density ρ in simulations of single-fluid MHD model and extended MHD model are shown in Fig. (a) and (b), respectively. In (a), the two contour lines red and blue are relatively separated and the density contours change smoothly between them. In (b), the distance between the two contour lines is much narrower than that in (a) meaning that there is a sharp density gradient in (b).

Ryosuke GOTO et. al., Plasma and Fusion Research Vol.9,1403076 (2014)
