National Institutes of Natural Science, National Institute for Fusion Science
Department of Helical Plasma Research, Fundamental Physics Simulation Research Division


Front cover of Physics of Plasmas Vol.22 Num.3.

One of figures in a paper (*) of Mr. Ryosuke Goto et al. appears in the front cover of Physics of Plasmas Vol.22 Num.3.
Click the figure to see a lager size.

Density contours in MHD simulations of Rayleigh-Taylor instability.The contours are drawn in relatively early stage of the nonlinear stage (upper panel) and fully turbulent stage (lower panel). The Rayleigh- Taylor instability has some common natures with pressure-driven instabilities in the Large Helical Device of National Institute of Fusion Science (NIFS).
These results were obtained by using "plasma simulator" in NIFS.

R. Goto, H. Miura, A. Ito, M. Sato and T. Hatori "Formation of large-scale structures with sharp density gradient through Rayleigh-Taylor growth in a two-dimensional slab under the two-fluid and finite Larmor radius effects" Phys. Plasmas 22, 032115 (2015)
