The 40th Best Paer Award of the Laser Society of Japan
Professor Hitoshi Sakagami won the 40th Best Paper Award of the Laser
Society of Japan.
- Date: May 31, 2016
- Title:"Periodic Surface Structures Self-organized on Solid Materials
Ablated by Femtosecond Laser Pulses"

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- Context:
On solid material under irradiation of linearly polarized femtosecond laser
pulses, the periodic surface structures are self-organized and oriented
perpendicular or parallel to the laser polarization direction. For laser
fluence levels near the ablation threshold, periodic structures have an
interspace shorter than the laser wavelength. The interspaces of the periodic
structures depend on laser fluence and laser wavelength, and these phenomena
have been explained by such models as the parametric decay model, the bidirecrtional
surface plasma wave model, the plasmon polariton excitation model, and
the second harmonic generation model. However, since the mechanism of the
periodic structures remains unclear, further investigation is required.
In this paper, we summarize the current study of the periodic surface structure
induced by femtosecond laser pulses and review the several models proposed
for the formation mechanism.
The Review of Laser Engineering, Vol.43, No.11, pp.745-751.
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